Down East Radio Reading Service, Inc. Post Office Box 8706 Rocky Mount, NC 27804

Phone: 252.443.7551

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact DERRS with any questions, concerns, charitable donations or to volunteer your time. 

Post Office Box 8706
Rocky Mount, NC  27804


downeastreading (at) gmail (dot) com

Directions to our Facility
Down East Radio Reading Service is located at 553 Tarrytown Center in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. To find us, turn onto Tarrytown Center off Sunset Avenue and follow the service road to the left. The studio is located behind Sam's Club and has a white sign displayed on the front of the building.

Office hours are from 10:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, except on holidays.

North Carolina Accessible Books and Library Services

North Carolina Division of Services for the Blind

The Governor Morehead School

International Association of Audio Information Services, Inc.